To display posts content over the Leaflet maps is a useful feature in this plugin. You can display posts on Leaflet maps using your own custom fields or wp Leaflet map pro meta box added by this plugin. You can display the post title, post excerpt, post content, post categories, post tags and custom fields without any programming.

Step 1: From the dashboard , Go to Posts and enter the title.

Step 2: In the Text box area insert post content that you want to display in infowindow message.

Step 3: Select location from ‘WP Leaflet Maps Pro’ metabox and click to “publish”.

Step 4: Now you can setup posts information to be displayed on the infowindow message using placeholder –
For This Go to Edit Map and under ‘Infowindow Settings’ use the post infowindow placeholder. Below is a screenshot.

Step 5: Save Map and open it in browser.
You’ll now see