As you hearing about GDPR which is, The General Data Protection Regulation, will be applicable to all companies who are working with personal data of EU citizens. We have made this plugin compliant with the GDPR with easy steps.
What is the Issue

Leaflet maps are loaded using leaflet maps API so when API is loaded from the Leaflet, Visitor’s IP address is sent to Leaflet without the user consent. So this is a GDPR problem definitely.


Step 1: Go to Settings and enable “Cookies Acceptance”. Once you do this, leaflet maps API scripts & maps will be loaded after visitor’s cookies acceptance.

Step 2: You can show Cookies Policy to visitors using Cookie Notice by dFactory which is easy to use and has many options for configuration.

Step 3: Use ‘wpgmp_accept_cookies’ hook to restrict scripts loading until user consent cookies policy. If you’re using any other GDPR or Cookies plugin, you can use it easily using this hook. Below is an example code if you use the “Cookie Notice by dFactory” plugin.

Verify Cookies Consent Before Showing the Leaflet Maps:

function wpomp_accept_cookies($is_allowed) {

// cookies-notice plugin integration -
if( function_exists('cn_cookies_accepted') ) {
$is_allowed = cn_cookies_accepted();
// cookies-consent plugin integration. You may change cookie name here according to your needs.
if( isset($_COOKIE['catAccCookies']) == 1 )
$is_allowed = true;

return $is_allowed;

GDPR Support

If you have any questions or any code you want us to integrate for GDPR, please contact us at and we’d be happy to assist you.