In Add Store you can add your store location by filling information like name, street address, categories,logo, description.

Add New Store

  • 1First Step

    In the WC Store Locator plugin, click on Add Store Page.
  • 2Second Step

    ‘Store Information’ window will appear. Enter relevant information in this window.

    In add store you will find store information section, where you need to insert some information of your store.

    1. Store Name: Insert your Store name here.
    2. Street Address: Insert address of your store means where is your store located in which city. When you insert your location, plugin will automatic give you suggestions of your regarding location.
    3. Categories:  To display categories you have to add add category before, then category will display otherwise no category check box will show here.
    4. Upload/Remove Logo: You can upload your logo or remove logo by this feature
    5. Description: If you want to add any description of your store you can insert here. like services etc.
  • 3Third Step

    Click on Save Store. All the locations you created will be display in Manage Stores page of WC Store Locator.